Hawaii residents to benefit from a cloud-hosted, software-as-a-service application with superior technology, lower total costs, and more flexible capabilities.
Hawaii’s implementation of Solid State Operation’s UI platform and management system will transform the way the state provides essential services to unemployed workers, to employers of the state of Hawaii, and to the United States Department of Labor. The Solid State system replaces an aging, legacy mainframe system designed in the 1980s with a web-based application. The enhanced platform is easier to use, offers more automation than its predecessor, and will:
Save money on IT costs, staff hours, and training costs
Prevent UI-related fraud, waste, and abuse
Provide timely, uninterrupted benefits to unemployed workers of Hawaii
Provide accurate charges to Hawaii employers
“Hawaii is a great partner and we look forward to continuing to work together to provide world class service to the state’s workers and employers,” says Greg Tahmisian, CEO of Solid State Operations. “Hawaii claimants struggled last year because of high pandemic-related unemployment, a slow recovery, and a benefit payment system built on very old technology. DLIR has been doing their best, but with outdated, ineffective tools, there’s been a significant backlog. That will change soon.”
The Hawaii project follows Solid State’s successful renovation of Alabama’s UI system, which launched in January, 2020. In September of last year, Alabama ranked #1 in the nation in benefits payment timeliness, and by the end of the year, the system had paid over $4B in benefits payments.
“Many of the hard-won lessons that we’ve learned in Alabama are now incorporated in the features of this system,” explains John Demas, IT Director, Alabama Department of Labor. “Alabama is excited to be instrumental in providing Hawaii a head-start in achieving some of the exceptional results that we’ve experienced. This kind of state-to-state sharing is key to providing good government services to our citizens.”
The scope of the project is both ambitious and realistic. The DLIR Data Station will replace all current essential Benefits, Tax and Appeals UI functionality with cloud-hosted, software-as-a-service application. A cross-functional team of Solid State and DLIR personnel will collaborate and deliver the ultimate solutions. Solid State will supply software development, business analysts, DevOps experts, project management, functional testing, and infrastructure resources. DLIR will provide business users, user acceptance testers, product champions, and IT integration assistance.
“My team and I have been working with DLIR for several years to understand their unique challenges,” says Brian Baily, Solid State Chief Project Management Officer. “We have a great foundation in understanding Hawaii’s regulations and their way of doing business, as well as their data. We look forward to making a very positive impact on the islands in a relatively short amount of time.”
2021 will be a busy year for Solid State Operations, which has grown substantially in terms of employees, vendor partners, and states serviced. This year the company will respond to changes in laws, requirements, new administrations and the evolving pandemic situation and its economic impacts.
And, as a software and services provider, Solid State Operations will continue to partner with state workforce agencies and best-of-breed vendor allies to offer fully integrated, accessible programs that meet all state and federal requirements.
Want to know more about Solid State Operations? Sign Up for an appointment with one of our Solutions Pros.